A LESSON FROM COVID-19: My two cents

Will COVID-19 teach something to the current generation of MDs ? I am sure it will teach a lot about ethics and what means to be a patient and a doctor.

This is a common opinion, but I am also sure that there is another lesson to learn from this tragedy.

Some MDs tried to treat COVID-19 looking to empirical observations from other colleagues, never published in the medical literature, but reported anecdotally. Other MDs rejected such treatment because of the lack of evidence on the basis of the well-known rule "Primum non nocere". These two different perspectives are strictly related to the nature of medicine which is art and science at the same time and both have many shortcomings and drawbacks. As said, medicine is neither science nor art but science and art at the same time, so in similar circumstances these two perspectives should both be included in our everyday practice, looking at evidence to support our treatments and making our empirical trials to produce new ideas that should be later be tested on RCTs.


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